Friday 3 September 2010

I See Your Dream Job

a book by “career intuitive” Sue Frederick

Publisher’s blurb says:
In this first-ever book to combine ancient mystical teachings with current career knowledge, Sue reveals how to read destiny clues (the way she reads them for clients) and create a practical plan for moving forward. She illuminates the negative patterns stopping you in your tracks and teaches you to remove them. You walk away with a fresh perspective on your life’s direction, and a realisation of how powerful you truly are.
This is a book for anyone who:
- Feels stuck in a job
- Feels unfulfilled at work
- Questions if they’re on the right track
- Yearns to do something more creative
- Dreams of a different path
- Has been fired
- Has been downsized
- Is underpaid and underappreciated
- Simply wants something different.

Hazel’s comment:
I have yet to be convinced that the mystical, new-age approach is helpful in choosing a career path to follow but it might work for some. Not due for release in the UK until 4 October has it for pre-order at £8.09.

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