Thursday 30 October 2008

Final score: virus one, Hazel two

I thought optimistically that I was winning. That was on Monday. On Tuesday I had a nasty relapse and yesterday actually managed to do some "essential docking and defects" maintenance but not much else. Still shaky today

At this point in time I have 84, as in eight-y-four, drafts from various sources sitting in a vast list.

I think, in practical terms and not optimistically this time, that I will need to group these by subject and present them to you in the same way that I do the interest items rather than overwhelm you (and me) by trying to do them all one at a time.

Some may, of course, be more than a tad old but it's sometimes useful to be able to see the genesis of a story, and some topics never grow old anyway.

I'll be back this evening to make a start!

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