Friday 4 January 2008


Yes, the headline is shouting at you as I should, of course, have written this post four or five days ago -- and maybe shouting makes up for the delay.

No, of course it doesn't. No excuses. I know that I am supposedly convalescent but that shouldn't have stopped me from writing -- or should it?

Convalescent seems to mean that although I can now walk as much as a mile (the limit before the op was about 50 yards!) I need lots of rest after the compulsory exercise. And because of a haematoma on the wound on the left groin sitting is the most uncomfortable position to be in. Hence the less than satisfactory level of posting.

I have, however, managed to (almost) keep up my reading of other people's posts which I shall bring you over the next few days -- probably without a great deal of comment.

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